Do you want to manage your house remotely?
GSM Alarm System for your cottage?
GSM Remote Control for you house?
iSocket GSM Power - is the best device for remote control and alarm monitoring of your house.
Ontech Teleswitch
Ontech Teleswitch 9001A
Ontech Teleswitch 9001A has a built-in 230V/16A relay that can be remotely
operated by an ordinary telephone. You can call the unit from any telephone
and operate it and/or extra relays by using the keyboard of the telephone.
To the unit or the extra relay (Ontech Teleswitch 9003) electrical equipment
such as fans, radiators, lamps etc can be connected and turned on or off with a
telephone call.
The unit can also give you information whether the temperature is above or
below 5 degrees C.
Ontech Extra Switch 9003
Ontech Extra Switch 9003 is controlled by short range radio via the control unit
Ontech Tele Switch 9001A. The unit has a built in 230V/16A relay. Up to 4
Ontech Extra Switches 9003 can individually be controlled by each Ontech
Teleswitch 9001A. The operation range is approximately 30 meters.
Important about radio communication
As for all radio equipment also this radio communication can be interfered by
equipment in the home environment such as TV-sets, refrigerators, mobile
phones, microwaves ovens, electric motors etc . The interference can be
temporary or continuous.
This interference can influence the operating range or make radio controlled
remote operations impossible. This can also results in that the main unit
acknowledges position changing of relays of Extra Switches even if it doesn’t
happen. Also for the function of checking position of relays of Extra Switches
wrong information can be given.
It is important to know this uncertainty for controlling the Extra Switches due to
home environment.
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